internation finn association

International Finn Class

Welcome to an exciting new range of clothing selected exclusively for Finn Sailors.  Each item will be embroidered with your choice of Finn Logo and can be purchased and paid for on line using this website.  For item you can choose between the two Finn Logos shown below (International Finn Class or Finn World Masters). If you have any questions please phone the number shown above.

Big Orders - if you are ordering more than 10 items please phone us to discuss delivery options. 

In a hurry - please call us to discuss express delivery.

International Finn Class Website 

Finn World Masters Logo

The sails and lettering will be embroidered in blue on all items except on blue items where it will be embroidered in white.

Finn World Masters 

International Finn Class Logo

The sails and lettering will be embroidered in blue on all items except on blue items where it will be embroidered in white.

International Finn Class 

All prices are for single items and are inclusive of VAT where applicable

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St Mary's School Striped Sports Shorts
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